What Is A Slip At Work Claim
Slips, trips or falls can happen anywhere, and often result in very minor injuries, if any. Sometimes, however, your slip, trip or fall is the result of carelessness or negligence on the part of someone else, and you may sustain some really quite nasty injuries. If your slip, trip or fall happened at work and you believe that it was the result of someone else not taking sufficient care, you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim. This is known as a slip at work claim.
Slips, trips or falls at work which lead to a compensation claim can have a variety of different causes. Some of the most common ones that our clients have made claims for include:
- Poorly maintained flooring or paving
- Items not being put away correctly, leading to trips over electrical leads or unseen objects.
- Small steps or ledges not being clearly highlighted
- Slick or wet surfaces not being cleaned up promptly, or signposted.
A slip at work is extremely stressful, both during the event itself and in the period that follows. Not only are you likely to be in significant pain as you recover, you may also face financial hardship if you need to take time off from work to allow you to heal. Our personal injury claims solicitors are specialists in getting you the compensation you need to give you the financial cushion to get you through this period.
Stress Free Slip At Work Claims Process
We want to take the stress out of this situation, and to allow you to seek justice for your slip, trip or fall at work without having to worry about the cost. Our personal injury claims solicitors are experts at getting you the compensation you deserve, on a no win no fee basis.
If you are considering making a slip at work compensation claim, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 or claim online today. We offer a free, no obligation consultation, so call or message now to see how we can help.
Steps You Can Take Following Your Slip At Work To Support Your Compensation Claim
Many of our clients ask us for advice as to what they should in the period immediately following a slip, trip or fall at work. It should go without saying that your first priority must always be to make sure that you are safe from any further harm and also that you have all the medical help you need. Once this has been done, there are several things you can try to do that might help support any eventual slip at work compensation claim.
The first thing anyone who has experienced a slip at work should do, once they are safe, is to make a written record of what has happened. This should include any details that you can remember. The more detailed your account is, the better it will be as evidence. You should try to include details, even if they seem irrelevant, as they may help you remember more later.
Witness Statements And Details For Your Slip At Work Claims
You might also want to make sure that you have the names and addresses of anyone who saw what happened. This is important as it will help us to have evidence to support your description of what happened, and can be vital in making a strong case. You are welcome to get a written statement from them, but we are also able to do this for you if you would prefer.
Taking photographs and videos of the place where your slip, trip or fall at work occurred, and making sure that you have a visual record of any relevant details can also be incredibly helpful. You should only do this if it is safe to do so, and we are happy to assist with this if preferred.
Whilst these can all help to support your claim later, none of them is essential and you are still able to have a successful slip at work compensation claim, even if you have not been able to achieve any of them. The most important thing you can do to help guarantee the success of your claim is to call our expert team on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 or claim online to see how we can help.
Compensation amounts For Slips At Work
Compensation amounts vary hugely, depending on your personal situation and the way in which your injuries have impacted your life. This makes it very difficult to give general advice as to how much you might expect to receive following you slip, trip or fall at work. There are some general principles, however, which can help to be aware of.
Compensation claim amounts for all personal injuries (including slips at work) are divided into two main parts. The first part of the claim is based on the amount of pain and suffering you have experienced. Because this is such a subjective assessment, there are guidelines put forward by the national governing body (the Judicial College). These give a range of amounts that are usually paid out following each specific injury. The ranges can be very wide, however. This is because they are designed to ensure that the exact nature of your injury can be taken into account. Unfortunately, this can make it very difficult for anyone without experience to know where in that range their injury is likely to fall. Our highly trained personal injury claims solicitors have years of experience in making slip at work claims and are able to give you an accurate assessment of where in the range your injury is likely to fall.
Special Damages For Slip Work Claims
The second aspect to be considered when deciding a compensation claim is any costs or financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your slip at work. The aim of financial compensation following your slip at work is to get you back as close as possible to where your life would have been had your slip at work not happened. This could involve compensating you for loss of earnings if you have to take time off work to recover from your slip at work, or even paying a larger sum for the loss of potential future earnings if you are unable to return to your former career as a result of your injuries. You may also need to pay for additional transportation costs, fees for additional medical treatment not easily available on the NHS or making modifications to your home in severe cases if that is needed to help you to continue to live independently.
Working with our dedicated team of slip at work claims specialists means that you can rest assured that your compensation claim includes all aspects of your financial losses as a result of your slip at work and that you are making the most appropriate compensation claim for your personal circumstances.
How Can Free Legal Justice Help For Your Slip At Work Claims?
At Free Legal Justice, we are able to take almost all of the stress out of your slip at work claim. The process of making your slip at work claim starts with a single call. Our team are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Whether you prefer to call us on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 or to apply online and have us call you back for free at a time of your choosing, we are here to help. If you prefer a face to face conversation, we also offer a free home visit to discuss your slip at work claim.
Our highly trained teams take the time to listen to what has happened to you and ensure that we fully understand the details of your slip at work. Over the course of a short conversation, we will ask about the circumstances surrounding your slip at work (including who you believe was to blame), the exact nature of your injuries and also the ways in which has impacted your life. This means that we can give you accurate, personalised advice from slip at work claims specialists.
We Handle The Paperwork
We are also able to handle all of the admin and paperwork involved in making your slip at work compensation claim. All legal action can require a significant amount of paperwork, including letters and forms that must be submitted within strict deadlines. Once we are employed as your solicitors, we are able to complete almost all of this. We are also able to offer free home visits, to help you complete any of the paperwork that we can’t fill out on your behalf.
If you are considering making a slip at work compensation claim, you don’t have to do it alone. Call now or claim online to see how easy it can be.
Is It Possible To Get Help With My Slip At Work Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?
At free Legal Justice, we believe that justice should be available to everyone, without the need for large up-front payments or large solicitor’s fees. As a result, we offer our services on a we offer our services on a no win no fee basis to the vast majority of our clients.
Our no win no fee agreements mean that you are able to instruct us to work on your behalf, without making any payments up front. We will only take payment once you have received the compensation payment you are entitled to. If we are unable to get you the compensation you deserve, you won’t owe us a penny. Even more importantly, our fees are set as a percentage of your payment, meaning that you know exactly how much you will need to pay before accepting any offer of compensation and you will always receive the majority of your compensation.
Not All Slip At Work Claims Are No Win No Fee
In a very small number of cases, we are unable to offer a no win no fee agreement. In the unlikely event that your slip at work claim falls into this category, we will make sure that you understand this straight away, and we will make sure to discuss possible alternative funding options with you to make sure that you have an affordable route to the help you need.
If you are considering making a slip at work compensation claim, don’t hesitate. Our expert team are waiting to take your call. Call us on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 now or claim online and let our expert team of slip at work claims solicitors help you with your claim.
Can My Employer Fire Me For Making A Slip At Work Compensation Claim?
It is illegal for any employer to fire an employee for making any kind of accident at work compensation claim, including slip at work claims. They are not allowed to take any kind of action against you, or to punish you in any way. This includes reducing the opportunities available to you or changing you job in a way that you do not like, unless this is absolutely required as a result of your injuries.
The vast majority of businesses would not want to punish their employees for making a slip at work compensation claim anyway. Most people understand that the compensation you receive following your slip at work is there to help you to recover and to ensure that you do not suffer financially as a result of your slip at work. Even the most selfish of employers can understand that you might need the money from your compensation payment to cover the costs of getting the treatment you need to get you healthy and back to work as quickly as possible.
Making A Slip At Work Claim Makes The Workplace Safer
Making a slip at work compensation claim can also help to ensure that your workplace is safe and secure for your colleagues. Making a compensation claim can ensure that your employer understands the importance of safety procedures and can help to make your workplace safer for everyone.
You may also be worried that your company cannot afford to make a compensation payment and that the company will fail as a result. This would mean that you could still lose your job. Fortunately, this cannot happen. All employers are required to have Employers Liability Insurance, which covers them for all compensation payments for accidents at work. Your slip at work compensation claim would be paid out by the insurance company, ensuring that the company is not at any short-term risk as a result of your claim.
If you are considering making a slip at work compensation claim and you would like to discuss the impact that this might have on your job, or if you have any other questions, please call us on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 or claim online now. We are available to help 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
How Do I Make A Slip At Work Compensation Claim?
Making a slip at work compensation claim follows the same procedure as making any other kind of personal injury compensation claim.
Most people who have suffered a slip at work will want to take legal advice before starting their slip at work compensation claim, and we believe that this is a very good idea. We are available 24/7 to ensure that you can access the help you need whenever suits you. You can call us on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 or claim online to make sure that you get the support and assistance you need for your slip at work claim.
Our first step is to write to the person responsible for your slip at work, explaining that you are making a slip at work compensation claim, that you consider them to be liable (the legal term for being to blame) and giving them a deadline by which to respond.
What Happens If My Slip At Work Compensation Claim Is Denied?
If your employer does not accept that they are to blame for your slip at work, we will set about proving this. We might request evidence from you, if you have any available, and we may also seek out other forms of evidence ourselves, such as taking photographs or seeking expert testimony. Accidents at work almost always result in the employer admitting liability.
As soon as liability has been agreed, it is time to decide how much compensation should be paid out. This is agreed through a process of negotiation. Throughout these negotiations, you remain in full control. We will inform you of every offer that is made, and give you our expert opinion as to whether the offer is fair or not, given the exact circumstances surrounding your slip at work. This means that you can be sure that the offer you accept is reasonable and fair, given your specific injuries and the way in which your slip at work has impacted your life.
Will I Have To Go Court For My Slip At Work Claim?
It is almost always possible to reach an agreement, not only in terms of who was to blame for your slip at work, but also in terms of how much compensation you are entitled to. In the very rare situations that it is not possible for find agreement, we will help you through the court process. You may need to attend court, explain what happened and why you believe that you are entitled to the amount of compensation you are seeking. Although this might seem daunting, we will guide you through it and offer support at every stage.
Only when the amount of compensation has been agreed and paid do you need to think about our fees. Our fees are set as a minor percentage of your compensation amount, meaning that the bulk of your payment is there for you, to help you however you need following your slip at work.
How Do I Start Making A Slip At Work Compensation Claim?
Some slip at work compensation claims can take much longer than others, based on the exact details of the case. We work tirelessly to ensure that your case is resolved as quickly as possible, to allow you to get the compensation you need to move on with your life.
Cases that are resolved quickly can take as little as just a few weeks. For a case to completed this fast, it has to be very simple and the other party will have accepted that they were to blame for your slip at work almost straight away. This removes the need for time-consuming tasks such as gathering evidence and demonstrating who was responsible for what happened to you. These cases are usually for less serious injuries involving smaller sums of money, as this reduces the incentive for the other party to put significant effort into reducing your claim through negotiation.
If your slip at work claim involves a very serious injury or if it is not completely clear exactly who was responsible for your slip at work, your case is likely to be much more complicated and may take significantly longer to be resolved. If your claim cannot be settled out of court, it will take even longer.
Does My Slip At Work Need To Be Recorded In The Accident Book?
Any place of work is required to keep an accurate accident book, in which all accidents, injuries and near misses are recorded. This should be done shortly after the incident, to allow for the most accurate and up to date record keeping, but looking after the staff involved in an accident should always take priority over this. Keeping the accident book up to date ensures that there is a detailed record of the health and safety practices in a company at any point in time.
Recording all accidents or injuries in the accident book is a legal requirement. Despite this, some can be overlooked. This often happens after serious incidents, as the priority must always be on looking after the person who has been hurt. Very rarely, an employer may decide not to record an incident in the accident book, hoping that they will be able to deny liability if the person concerned were to make a compensation claim.
My Slip At Work Claim Was Not Written In The Accident Book… Now What?
Although the accident book can be useful in supporting your slip at work compensation claim, it is not essential. If your slip at work was not recorded in the accident book, we may need to offer additional evidence to support your claim, such as witness statements or photos and videos. However we prove what happened, we can still get you the compensation you deserve.
If you notice that your slip at work has not been recorded in the accident book, it is much better to deal with this in email, as opposed to a conversation. Sending an email to an appropriate person (maybe your manager or a member of HR) allows you to have written proof that you have notified your employer of what happened and that you have asked that it be written into the accident book. If they fail to do this, your emails can be used as evidence, and they will have to explain to the court why they did not fulfil their legal obligations.
Can I Claim Compensation After My Slip At Work?
Many people are confused as to whether they are allowed to make a compensation claim. Compensation claims following a slip at work are relatively simple, but there are a few things that must be true for you to be entitled to compensation.
You are only able to make a compensation claim for things that you have actually suffered. You are only able to make a slip at work compensation claim if you have experienced a slip at work, not if you suffered a near miss. Similarly, you are only able to make a claim for the damage you have actually sustained, not the damage that you could have suffered, or for injuries that you narrowly avoided.
Someone Else Must Be Responsible For Your Slip At Work!
The next criteria for making a slip at work compensation claim is that there must be someone else who was responsible for your slip at work. There must be someone else to blame. This doesn’t need to be a specific person, it can be an organisation, such as the council, or a company, such as your employer. The important thing is that there must have been someone with a legal responsibility to look after your safety. Your employer has this responsibility for all accidents that take place in the workplace.
The other person must also have been able to foresee or anticipate what has happened to you. This doesn’t mean that they must have actually known that it would happen, but that they could have considered it, if they had put sufficient thought and care into health and safety concerns.
The last thing to check is whether they have taken sufficient steps to remove the risk, or to minimise the consequences if this is impossible. Even if some safety measures were taken, you may still be able to claim if these were not sufficient.
Contact Our Slip At Work Claims Solicitors Today
If you have been injured as the result of a slip at work and there was someone else who could have helped to avoid or minimise your injuries, you are able to make a slip at work compensation claim. If you are in this position, call us on 0800 567 7074 or 0121 565 4317 or claim online today.
Useful Links
HSE – Slips At Work Claims Law
The above link tells you what the law states in the UK regarding slips and trips at work
HSE – Prevent Slips And Trips In The Workplace
The above pdf link will give you information about preventing slips and trips at work
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